Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rico-Challenge Adventure Race – Newsletter #2

Race Date: Saturday, November 3rd

Race Headquarters: Lake Sammamish State Park (main entrance off NW Sammamish Road)

Located off of Exit 15 on Interstate 90 in Issaquah, 15 miles east of Seattle.

Race director cell phone contact: 425.443.7192

Team Registration: 7:30 am *updated*
No gear check. Check into the Rico-Challenge table for race numbers, maps, etc.

Race Management is requesting racers to donate $10 per person for the post-race
cookout being done for the event!

Race Briefing: 7:45-7:46 am *updated*

Race Start: 8:00 am Sharp *updated*

Race Duration: ~5 hours

Race Disciplines: Adventure Trekking, Mountain Biking, Lake Kayaking, Time Trials, Ropes

Mandatory Equipment: Shoes, Bike, Kayak or Canoe (Inflatable Seyvlors available upon request).

Please advise race management if you do not have your paddling vessel accounted for.

Additional Equipment: Anything else you want to bring to support your efforts and/or protecting your life.

Banned Gear & Apparel: Global positioning devices, Binoculars, Espresso flavoured Gu’s, MRE’s, Semi-automatic guns and/or grenade launchers, Lighting that exceeds 1 lumen, 1980's neon spandex, clothing & equipment not offered at REI or Cascade Designs.

Unofficial Registered Teams

Team #1 Cultural Racing of America for make benefit nation of Switzerland

Captain: Borat's (lesser known) brother
Teammate: Borat's brother's "tai tai"
Teammate: A. "el bueno"

Team #2 Lost & Found
Captain: Maximus Aurelius Isreal
Teammate: Alex the Grape
Teammate: Lieutenant Anderson

Team #3 Double Trouble Plus 1
Captain: Reed = Double
Teammate: Andrea = Trouble
Teammate: Connie = One

Team #4 Scotch Egg and a Side of Missing Links
Captain: Jerry-G
Teammate: P-Dub
Teammate: Sir Ian’s Son

Team #5 VanProbaGorderala
Captain: RVG
Teammate: JVG 1.5
Teammate: Captain Dew Over

Team #6 Team Shasta
Captain: Scott “One Sherpa” Wazny
Teammate: Special Agent Dana Wazny
Teammate: Misha

Team #7 Adventure Racing Stew
Captain: Tenacious-D
Teammate: Lara Croft
Teammate: "Running-J" Holloway

Team #8 Team Puddlebutt
Captain: Wickedass Gibson
Teammate: Renee aka: "The Seek"
Teammate: Rebecca "don't make me" Rush

Team #9 Boldly Going Nowhere

Captain: R. J-bek
Teammate: J. J-bek
Teammate: E. P-ski

Rico-Challenge Race Management

Rico Abraham - Race Director / Producer CEO
Robin “this bike whack's not so bad” Smith - Course Designer / Pain Tolerance R&D

Chef BoyarClif - Race Chef / Medical Tape Team /Motivational Speaker
“Special-K” Abraham - Involuntary Volunteer / Polish Mafia Race Fee Collector
Carol “me support crew you long time” Yang - Podium Girl #1
Stacey "so fresh and so" Keen - Podium Girl #2
"2-shot" Shannon Cortez - Podium Girl #3
"Captain" Cortez - Podium Guy #1 (if that's your fancy)

Buddy - Kayak and Food Security


Anonymous said...

Team Scotch Egg and a Side of Missing Links is going down. Likely because Jerry is going to keel over from exhaustion.

R & D

Anonymous said...

I see that we have named our team appropriately, we haven't had much luck being team 9 in the past (refer to RTNX website for details).

Looking forward to a fun day!
