Sunday, October 28, 2007

A word of caution...

Race management would like to remind everyone that safety is of utmost importance. Be wary of traffic, pedestrians, small children, yappy dogs, Richard Nixon look-a-likes and slippery surfaces due to wet weather.


Anonymous said...

Hey, why don't you get people to test the course who can ride their bikes? Keep those yahoos off the course.


Anonymous said...

Will there be any up hill bike riding in this race? Cuz one of us hasn't done a whole lot of training. Any down hill would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, The Wuss

Anonymous said...

Dear The Wuss,

We have decided to add an extra 1000 feet of climb on the bike for you. Instead of riding it down, you will have to portage your kayak.



Anonymous said...

Dear Race Management,
You bastards.
Sincerely, The Wuss

Anonymous said...

After further investigation, we have decided you will need to take your bike on the kayak and your kayak on the bike section. Plus you will have to carry both bike and kayak during the trekking sections.

Please keep track of your heart rate during these sections for the advancement of science.

Thanks you,
