Saturday, November 3, 2007

Thanks everyone for a great Rico-Challenge! Pictures and recap will be posted tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Letter from the race directors

Hello again and congratulations to all participating racers in the Rico-Challenge!

Robin Smith, our race course designer and pain tolerance R&D, has assisted me in putting together a true test of endurance for you in this year's innaugual event. While temps at the start of the race will be in the mid-30's, racers will find themselves warming up as the elevation gains come to fruition.
The frigid Lake Sammamish waters will be a trial of "trioba-esque" tribulation. The ability to quickly transition in and out of the water will be key for the top placing teams.

Anticipate the "Wicked mountain bike section" to be 20 miles that will travel both up and down, back and forth, and round and round. For those off the couch, we anticpate a hike-a-bike for some and maybe just maybe a forced bike whack to make up precious lost time.

The adventure trekking section will be a real "beast" but fun-sized at 10 miles. If you have John Locke-like navigation skills you should have no problem getting in and out of the forest and leave "the others" behind you.

The race management team is made up of veteran racers and support crew voluteers. All are excited to be a part of the action and be your motivation by manning over 40% of the race course checkpoints. Rico-Challenge has recently acquired elite Raid-racer Richard Wood and the Seattle support sensation of Vivian Bliss to assist the remote TA's.

We'll see you at the start! Don't forget to bring your $10 entry fee, mandatory gear (bike, boat, shoes) and supplemental apparel and equipment. I will personally be at the Race Headquarters Rotunda to greet racers at 7:15AM for registration.

Training is nothing, will is everything.

All the best,


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

A word of caution...

Race management would like to remind everyone that safety is of utmost importance. Be wary of traffic, pedestrians, small children, yappy dogs, Richard Nixon look-a-likes and slippery surfaces due to wet weather.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Update 10/27/07- There has been a change to the start time- see the details below in orange.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rico-Challenge Adventure Race – Newsletter #2

Race Date: Saturday, November 3rd

Race Headquarters: Lake Sammamish State Park (main entrance off NW Sammamish Road)

Located off of Exit 15 on Interstate 90 in Issaquah, 15 miles east of Seattle.

Race director cell phone contact: 425.443.7192

Team Registration: 7:30 am *updated*
No gear check. Check into the Rico-Challenge table for race numbers, maps, etc.

Race Management is requesting racers to donate $10 per person for the post-race
cookout being done for the event!

Race Briefing: 7:45-7:46 am *updated*

Race Start: 8:00 am Sharp *updated*

Race Duration: ~5 hours

Race Disciplines: Adventure Trekking, Mountain Biking, Lake Kayaking, Time Trials, Ropes

Mandatory Equipment: Shoes, Bike, Kayak or Canoe (Inflatable Seyvlors available upon request).

Please advise race management if you do not have your paddling vessel accounted for.

Additional Equipment: Anything else you want to bring to support your efforts and/or protecting your life.

Banned Gear & Apparel: Global positioning devices, Binoculars, Espresso flavoured Gu’s, MRE’s, Semi-automatic guns and/or grenade launchers, Lighting that exceeds 1 lumen, 1980's neon spandex, clothing & equipment not offered at REI or Cascade Designs.

Unofficial Registered Teams

Team #1 Cultural Racing of America for make benefit nation of Switzerland

Captain: Borat's (lesser known) brother
Teammate: Borat's brother's "tai tai"
Teammate: A. "el bueno"

Team #2 Lost & Found
Captain: Maximus Aurelius Isreal
Teammate: Alex the Grape
Teammate: Lieutenant Anderson

Team #3 Double Trouble Plus 1
Captain: Reed = Double
Teammate: Andrea = Trouble
Teammate: Connie = One

Team #4 Scotch Egg and a Side of Missing Links
Captain: Jerry-G
Teammate: P-Dub
Teammate: Sir Ian’s Son

Team #5 VanProbaGorderala
Captain: RVG
Teammate: JVG 1.5
Teammate: Captain Dew Over

Team #6 Team Shasta
Captain: Scott “One Sherpa” Wazny
Teammate: Special Agent Dana Wazny
Teammate: Misha

Team #7 Adventure Racing Stew
Captain: Tenacious-D
Teammate: Lara Croft
Teammate: "Running-J" Holloway

Team #8 Team Puddlebutt
Captain: Wickedass Gibson
Teammate: Renee aka: "The Seek"
Teammate: Rebecca "don't make me" Rush

Team #9 Boldly Going Nowhere

Captain: R. J-bek
Teammate: J. J-bek
Teammate: E. P-ski

Rico-Challenge Race Management

Rico Abraham - Race Director / Producer CEO
Robin “this bike whack's not so bad” Smith - Course Designer / Pain Tolerance R&D

Chef BoyarClif - Race Chef / Medical Tape Team /Motivational Speaker
“Special-K” Abraham - Involuntary Volunteer / Polish Mafia Race Fee Collector
Carol “me support crew you long time” Yang - Podium Girl #1
Stacey "so fresh and so" Keen - Podium Girl #2
"2-shot" Shannon Cortez - Podium Girl #3
"Captain" Cortez - Podium Guy #1 (if that's your fancy)

Buddy - Kayak and Food Security